KittyFoot token users and MLM operators do not manage the system, but KittyFoot manages the system to protect project participants.
Some MLM projects promise high rates of return, but in reality, there are cases where they use a Ponzi scheme in which first-time subscribers are paid with the investment money of later subscribers.
KittyFoot helps set up a safe project through simulation of the rate of return from the time the allowance plan is created, and the system prevents operators from closing their business without paying allowances to investors.
For example, when a project is created for P2E game launch development, MLM participants are provided with allowances and tokens according to the investment amount. The remaining amount is then passed on to the project owner, who uses it to proceed with the project. As the project progresses normally, the progress of P2E game development is shared with investors, and as the number of investors continues to increase, project progress costs continue to be passed on to the project owner. Once the P2E game is completed, the demand for tokens used in the game will increase, creating an environment where even users who join the MLM project in the latter stages can make stable profits.
,,A rug pull refers to the act of stopping a service or project being carried out by a cryptocurrency issuer and stealing investment funds. In a general way, the initial investment is managed through Swap Pull, but after investors invest in the token and the price rises, the token issuer sells all the tokens to the swap pool at once, causing significant damage to the token investor.
KittyFoot manages issued tokens in a system that prevents even token issuers from owning tokens other than set rules.
The price of tokens managed in this way helps token buyers or MLM project participants to prevent the price from falling below the investment amount, and usually the token price rises as the size of the MLM grows.
Additionally, in addition to the growth of MLM, as the project grows, the number of general demanders of tokens other than MLM users increases, which leads to an increase in token prices.
MLM project participants can expect profits from token price increases as well as profits from allowances, and can safely hold tokens from the risk of token price declines.
KittyFoot uses Dapp wallet to sign up.
In the case of general websites or apps, ID and password methods are used, which causes the risk of password leakage.
In general, people use their own IDs and passwords, so these can be easily exposed, which can be fatal when using apps that allow deposits and withdrawals.
That's why Mann encourages websites and apps to make their passwords complex and encourage them to change their passwords frequently.
In this process, as a response to losing a password, a procedure to reset the password via email or phone number is established, which causes another risk.
If your email has leaked your password, this could expose the site you use your email to at risk.
KittyFoot, which logs in with a Dapp wallet address, is safe from these risks.
Additionally, since no personal information is required when registering as a member, there is no risk of personal information being leaked.
KittyFoot provides the ability to withdraw your assets, but if it is not a Dapp method, there is a risk of withdrawing money to an account other than your own.
However, KittyFoot uses the Dapp method, and since the membership account is the withdrawal account, it protects users from accidents involving withdrawal to another account. KittyFoot does not allow token withdrawal to any account other than the registered cryptocurrency account.